
Hey! I’m glad you found your way here.

My name is Andrea and I’m so glad that you’ve stumbled your way here. I’m a high school teacher in Canada mainly teaching Geography but I also teach other subjects such as Civics, Travel and Tourism, and English as a Second Language. I’m also a teacher librarian!

Throughout my entire childhood, I read books and wrote my own little stories along the way. I had a little hiatus during high school and university but rediscovered my love for reading and writing when I became a teacher librarian.

I think there is something seriously magical about books. Reading all sorts of books has inspired me and whisked me away to many different fantasy worlds, time zones, and situations. Fiction can be everything and anything you want it to be and so in September 2020, I decided I wanted to write my own story! It’s still in the works but I’m so excited to be able to share it with the world one day.

​This blog is a depository of my musings, ideas, and collection of resources that I have compiled and created on my own. My hope is that it’ll inspire, motivate, encourage, and spur you onto your own reading and writing adventures!

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